052995N1.ZIP SOLID CONSERVATIVES TARGETED BY DECEPTIVE JOU "The Oklahoma bombing has given media apologists for the leviathan state an opportunity to impugn political leaders who are seeking to restrain the growth of The New American * May 29, 1995
052995N2.ZIP BATTLING TERRORISM WITH TYRANNY "Wars, crises, tragedies, and infamous criminal acts have ever been useful handmaids to ambitious and amoral poli- ticians. It was this age-old phenomenon of usurpation-through-crises that James
052995N3.ZIP A POST-OKLAHOMA KRISTALLNACHT "It is part of the genius of a great leader to make adversaries of different fields appear as always belonging to one category....[A] number of different internal enemies must Hitler
061295N1.ZIP * ONE LEGISLATOR'S WARNING:* BEWARE THE CONFERENCE OF THE STATES Utah was the first state to pass a Reso- lution of Participation in the Conference of the States proposed by Utah Governor Mike Leavitt...but Utah Rep. Hunter is now it!
061295N2.ZIP * VICTORIES IN THE CON-CON FIGHT Utah Governor Mike Leavitt's opening volley, subsequent statements of purpose, backpeddling and what has happened on this "battle-front!" Good explanation of what this conference is all about!
061295N3.ZIP * WERE THERE TWO EXPLOSIONS? Excellent effort to uncover expert opinion re: this question of the OKC event. Worth reading! The New American * June 12, 1995
ATHENS.ZIP The War of Athens in the 1940's - The Militia saves a town from Corrupt Government.
BILL_C68.ZIP Proposed Canadian Gun Control Legislation Area.
GUNS_1.ZIP WILL YOU BE SAFER IF GUNS ARE BANNED? Part I Reference to the article: "The False Promise of Gun Control." "Paradoxically, although firearms do not increase crime and violence, gun-control* laws do! Throughout
GUNS_2.ZIP WILL YOU BE SAFER IF GUNS ARE BANNED? Part II The following says it all: * "Gun-control laws will make our streets safer for violent criminals." The Future of Freedom Foundation * Aug/94
JAN94_F5.ZIP GRASSROOTS TYRANNY: * THE LIMITS OF FEDERALISM "Each decade sees some principle of the Constitution either weakened or nullified, and the difficulty is that the people are only sensible of their peril after the principle is destroyed."
JUN94_F3.ZIP THE RIGHT TO LIFE EQUALS THE RIGHT TO POSSESS "If you own your life, then you have the right to defend yourself against anyone who would deprive you of it. And if you have the right of self-defense, it follows that you have
JUN95_F2.ZIP THE OKLAHOMA TRAGEDY AND THE MASS MEDIA "The uniformity of [the] interpretation demonstrates just how much the mass media and many in the intellectual community are out of step with what is actually going on in agencies.
JUN95_F4.ZIP * THE POWER TO DECLARE WAR,* WHO SPEAKS FOR THE CONSTITUTION?: Part I "When presidents lose domestic support, they invariably look overseas for crises to solve. President Clinton is no dif- ferent." Excellent discussion of war making
JUN95_F5.ZIP FREEDOM THROUGH ENCRYPTION "The government is capable of using its sophisticated electronic resources to search for keywords or specific names in the entire volume of e-mail that traverses the nation's telephone lines and airwaves e-mail
MAR94_F3.ZIP A WARNING FROM THE PAST "The idea of liberty and freedom first appeared in the anciet world among the Greeks...later taken over by the Romans. Yet this love of liberty was destroyed by Diocletion in the interest of tax
MAR94_F4.ZIP THE STANDARD OF LIBERTY "Standards are so powerful that adherence to their principles can cause the rise of a civilization, while disregard can cause a civilization's collapse." * Excellent!! The Future of Freedom Foundation * Mar/94
MAR94_F5.ZIP "SMART CARD" IS SCARY PROPOSAL "With cradle-to-grave health security, you the citizen get cradle-to-grave privacy insecurity." Remember: "We're from the government, and we're here to help you." The Future of Freedom Foundation * Mar/94
RUBY.ZIP - Dept. of Justice Report - Shootings at Ruby Ridge, Idaho